
"How Many Hours Do You Actually Work in a Workday?"

You arrive late to work. (Just a few minutes…)
You then get your coffee. And then socialize with others about their weekend.
You check the news. And then surf your inbox for 45 minutes.
Soon, it’s lunch time.
Wait… you just got here.
You might need to ask, “How many hours are you actually working in your day?”

Late to Work, and Late to Start Work

I see it in many office cultures. People straggle in 20–30 minutes late into the workday. They then spend another 30 minutes getting started.
They get their coffee. They socialize with every other late straggler. They check the news before they pull out any work. And then they surf their email inbox.
Suddenly, it is almost lunch time and they start making lunch plans with other co-workers.
Does this sound like your work day?

Wasting Time at Work

How much time are you actually working in your workday?
You may think from the last section that I am looking for some clockwork, military-like office that runs by strict discipline.
Not really. In fact, most truly creative work requires lots of unbounded free-time.
The most productive companies are those that reward results instead of mere activity. They often have loose schedules and allow their workers to work in the ways they work best.
They don’t stay in the office for the sake of clocking time, sending emails, or having meaningless meetings. They allow their workers to get their work done…. and then get out of the office.
However, many workplaces don’t work this way. (I guess you could say they don’t really work at all…)
Employees are expected to put in long workdays regardless of the workload. And success is often measured by hours instead of actual progress. Long days for the sake of long hours.
But, what is actually getting done during these long workdays?
  • Most workers waste upwards of 2 hours per day at work
  • They spend up to a third of their time in email
  • And even more time in meetings.
This busyness can be a real problem. In fact, many companies mistake busyness with productivity.
Even more worrisome are those that are in denial about wasting time at work. (Sorry, but talking sports doesn’t count as work. Nor does surfing LinkedIn. Or making up stories about the last place you worked…)

Get Your Work Done First

If you find yourself constantly complaining you have too much to do, or you never get out of work on time, you need to ask, “How many hours am I actually working in my workday?”
You might find that you are spending more time avoiding work than doing it.
Get your work done first. Then, you can socialize all you want.
You may even be able to reclaim your personal life or spend time with your family and friends.



在 Google Docs 里如何设置中文字体

Google Docs 是一个特别有用和强大的办公服务。微软 Office Word 也可以在网页上进行编辑,不过我觉得它远没有 Google Docs 顺畅,设计的也没有后者简洁、合理。 Google 账户默认语言是英语的时候,Google Docs 的默认字体是 Arial,打出来的中文汉字是宋体,属于标准、通行而且美观的字体。不过,当我们需要把 Google Docs 下载下来发给别人时,或者需要把 Docs 文档转换成 PDF 格式时,一个情况是,Arial 显示的汉字会变成 Arial Unicode MS 显示的汉字,我个人觉得不是很好看。感觉 怪怪的 ,而且显然不是宋体。 我之前不知道如何解决此问题。现在发现只需要添加中文字体(英文界面里,在 File 菜单 Language 里选择中文),就可以在语言栏选择宋体、楷体、华文中宋等更适合显示汉字的字体。当然,如果文档不需要下载、转换,那么就没有必要切换其他字体了,因为 Arial 足够漂亮。

Google Docs 如何多级自动编号?

编辑文档时,我们经常需要自动编号。这样使内容结构更清晰,也省去不少以后修改可能会引起的序号变动的麻烦。 使用 Microsoft Word 时,这种问题似乎不存在。测试发现,输入数字和标题后,Word 会自动形成编号,如下图所示。不仅是一级编号,次一级的二级编号也是如此。这样就很方便。 可是,Google Docs 则不是如此。一级编号可以自动排列,而次一级的编号则无法形成自动编号。网络上,也有很多人询问如何解决这个问题,参见这个 Google 搜索页面  google docs numbering 1.1 。 解决办法其实很简单,需要使用"increase indent"(增加缩进)这个按钮。当需要对某一级编号增加二级编号时,点击“回车键”,形成此一级编号的下一个一级编号。点击“增加缩进”,就使此一级编号成为上一个编号的次一级编号。对于编号的格式,则可以在 Numbered list 里面进行切换。 因为 Google Docs 可以在网页上随时使用,我倾向于使用它来进行文档编辑工作。Google Sheets 和 Google Slides 也很方便使用。

Google Chrome 浏览器的字体设置问题

Google Chrome 更新到 85 版本后界面显示字体变化了。最明显的变化是 Google 搜索结果的字体和 Google Docs 的显示,中文都成了“微软雅黑”的感觉,字大而没有棱角,我觉得是很不好看的一种中文字体。如下图所示。这时候 Chrome 的字体设置 是:Arial、Georgia、Arial、Consolas,和以前一样。我发现问题出在第一个字体 Arial 上,即“标准字体”的设置。 解决办法很简单,把 Chrome 标准字体更改为宋体(Simsun)或新宋体就可以了。其他的不需要变,Google 搜索和 Google Docs 的中文就以宋体显示了,如下图所示。我认为宋体、新宋体是比较好的显示中文的字体,看起来比较舒服,适合于阅读和输入。 Amazon Kindle 的中文书籍有一种显示字体叫做 Droid Serif,也很好看。 对于英文内容,宋体并不适合显示,Google Docs 默认的 Arial 就很好。 在 Google Docs 里建立的中文、英文内容,如果保存为 PDF 其中文文字会以 Arial Unicode MS 字体显示,我觉得也不好看,这种字体对中文的显示并不符合一些字的常规写法。这种情况只有在保存文档为 PDF 会发送文档给别人时才会显现出来,自己看并不感觉到奇怪。目前我能想到的解决办法就是保存为 Word 文档之后再把中文字体修改成宋体。